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Access to the CSIF Server

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Note that SOE users are assigned SOE NAS space.  Depending on where you saved your data, you should either use the path to Taltos3 server: \\\\home$\sunetid or SOE NAS space: \\\\csif-lab\sunetid

To use Windows to connect to CSIF Taltos3 server (and map the network drive):

  1. Right-click on “My computer” and choose “Map network drive”
  2. Choose a drive letter (ie, T: )
  3. For Folder: field, type in \\\home$\sunetid or \\\csif-lab\sunetid.
  4. Check the box for “Connect using different credentials”
  5. At the prompt, use win\SUNetID and SUNetPassword, check “Remember my credentials,” then hit ok
  6. T: drive should now be connected to your account on the server.

*data can be accessed without mapping a drive as well. Simply type in \\\home$\sunetid in the address bar of the explorer window and answer the prompts as above.

*same done in cmd prompt: net use t: \\\\home$\sunetid /savecred /persistent:yes and user win\sunetid for login and sunetpassword

To use a mac to mount CSIF Taltos3 server folder

  1. From pull-down menus in the Finder/desktop window, find the “Connect to server…” option
  2. Type in smb://$/sunetid or smb://
  3. At the prompt, use “win\sunetid” and your sunetpassword
  4. Server folder should be mounted, and you should see it on your desktop as well, go to your directory to access your files.

To use linux to mount the CSIF Taltos3 server folder

  1. you need to have mount permission (su first if needed)
  2. create a mount point (mkdir /tdrive in this example), then

sudo mount -t cifs -o username=SUnetID,password=SUNETPASSWD, //$/SUnetID /tdrive

  1. /tdrive should now be mounted to your directory on

VPN access from off campus